Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Chess, Mates! Bobby Fischer Posthumously Resurfaces…

Good yarn alert! Word on the street is that HBO has spun another winner, folks. This time around it is the compelling new documentary Bobby Fischer Against the World, which premiers tonight at 9 p.m. EST and kicks off the network’s documentary Summer Series. Early reviews mark this one as a winner—a captivating look at a compelling and controversial character. In this case, one the most bewildering figures of the 20th century, Bobby Fischer; a brilliant chess prodigy who became a grandmaster in his teens (the youngest in history), took on Boris Spassky in 1972, and retreated into seclusion except for the rare occasions he would pop up and puzzle the world with bizarre antics and erratic behavior.
Director Liz Garbus has earned raves for her skilled direction—and I have no doubt she deserves every kudo. But let’s be honest, I could be behind the lens of this one and have a decent shot of making it serviceably watchable. Fischer is that interesting—and troubling.  Mad genius? Boy wonder? Tragic figure? Check it out and let me know what you think... 

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