T-minus four episodes before the Oprah Show takes a final bow, and this armchair historian has been glued to the tube every day at 4 o’clock to see what’s coming down the pike (Oprah pays the mortgages of every member in the audience, then takes care of the national debt?).
OK, so the ramp-up to Oprah’s big farewell has been a little much, even for me (a total sap). Which marketing genius did Harpo get to create those curtain call promos, anyway—the “remember-when” montages featuring O audiences shrieking like jungle monkeys, crying like babies, and rocking out to whoever their Leader has managed to coax on stage after a 30-year absence, six months in rehab, a stint in prison, and other drama that only Oprah has access to. (Watch out, Nike, you’ve got competition of the advertising gold variety.)
This season has been a non-stop promo for OWN, a parade of celebs worshiping at the altar of Oprah, and more “A ha” moments than I ever thought I’d see in my lifetime. Oprah pulled out all the stops to outdo herself (the only person who could—and did, revealing to the world a long lost sister!). She even managed to make amends with James Frey for heaven’s sake, by offering up an apology—and a not-so subtle treatise on the evils of leading from your Ego—years after publicly stoning the man.
While the idolatry for Oprah borders on unhealthy, her influence on popular culture and her place in social history is unequaled. Detractors might say, “Well, she’s only one person. She hasn’t cured cancer or anything.” True, but here’s the point: a whole lot of people have faith that she—Oprah, not the president (who many believe is occupying the Oval Office thanks to O’s endorsement)—has this kind of power. We’re talking real sway, people. And, like her or not, she uses it—for good. In my world, this forgives all other talk show trespasses. (Remember when Oprah shared the same demo as Maury?) Like it or not, the world has witnessed Oprah make history (many times over).
Here, a few of The Oprah Show’s greatest hits:
• Oprah’s Book Club launches (“Night” finally sees the light of a new day...and people dig it!)
• The Rwandan family reunion
• The Great Audience Car Giveaway of 1994
• This season’s “Ultimate Favorite Things” two-parter (I wonder if the one guy in the audience commanding the attention of Camera B ever recovered?)
• Oprah’s bra intervention (thanks to this episode, I am actually wearing a bra that fits, and you probably are too)
• Oprah drops a bombshell (back the truck up Oprah, you have a half-sister you never knew about?)
• Oprah reveals she was a victim of childhood sexual abuse, starting a national discussion
• World, meet Dr. Phil
What’s your favorite O(MG!) moment? Please post a comment and share with us!
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